Hi. I'm Jack Kleeman.

An engineer and angel investor with an interest in distributed systems, security, reliability and tooling.
Always happy to talk to engineers and founders



egress-operator, a Kubernetes operator which helps to control traffic leaving your platform using ephemeral Envoy gateways.
calico-accountant, a prometheus exporter for the Calico data path. Keeps track of the numbers of packets accepted and dropped by policies.
envoy-preflight, a solution for the sequencing issues presented when running Envoy as a Kubernetes sidecar container.
stellar-stripe-anchor, an end-to-end solution for running a USD Stellar anchor using Stripe for payments.


KubeCon: Network Isolation For 1500 Microservices
Controlling outbound traffic from Kubernetes
We secured thousands of Cassandra clients to keep Monzo's data safe
We migrated Vault's storage with no downtime
We built network isolation for 1500 services
How our security team handles secrets
How we improved our staff VPN


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